Racine---Olympia Brown Universalist Church has become the first church in the city to declare itself a “sanctuary support” congregation for undocumented immigrants in danger of deportation.
At a membership meeting Sunday, the congregation voted overwhelmingly to formally extend a helping hand.
The church might've declared itself as a "sanctuary" had it felt it had the room--including a shower--to offer overnight shelter, according to the church's pastor, the Rev. Tony Larsen.
As a support church, the congregation expects to accompany individuals to court hearings and provide rides to undocumented workers who can't legally get a driver's license. It'll also support any congregation that would in the future declare itself to be a full-blown sanctuary church.
Larsen explains that immigration enforcement personnel have been reluctant to bust into churches to pull out immigrants who've gone in seeking protection.
The Olympia Brown congregation realizes that it's sticking its neck out with its decision, according to Larsen. "If you walk your talk you have to be willing to accept the fact that there will be people who will be angry and you may have to pay in some way," Larsen said.