A proposed 38-hundred seat event center on Racine's lakefront would meet a need that the city has been trying to fill for years. And IF the Milwaukee Bucks decide to put their new Developmental League team there---AND---a U-S Hockey League team is signed, it would all go with a privately developed hotel and restaurant complex to re-energize the downtown and the community as a whole. In a presentation to the Racine County Executive Committee, Mayor John Dickert said the arena itself would offer options for sports, conventions, and other events currently NOT possible. The mayor said the $46 million dollar arena price tag could be raised through $12 million in Tax Incremental Financing, $30 million combined from the city and the county, plus another $4 million from capital partners. Mayor Dickert said the project would also bring a sizeable amount of jobs to build it and staff it. Dickert also said his discussion with the mayor of Allentown-Pennsylvania, which did a similar project, showed it can also happen in Racine: County Board Chairman Rusty Clark indicated he'll be meeting with the Corporation Counsel and Finance Director about getting all the needed financials and keeping the process moving. (Story courtesy of WRJN) (Mayor John Dickert photo credit: Racine Journal Times)
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