Mar. 10, 2025 9:30p
(WGTD)---Racine Mayor Cory Mason has vetoed a set of procedural changes that supporters said would restore the balance of power between the city's executive and legislative branches. The veto sets up a vote next week on a possible override.
The biggest change would allow the city council president, rather than the mayor, to appoint council members to various committees. In addition, the committees could elect their own chairs.
Last week's passage of the amendments came on top of other changes that occurred last fall that ended a boycott of council meetings by a half-dozen disgruntled members. The main change then allowed council members--and not just the mayor or city clerk--to refer matters to committees for consideration.
In vetoing last week's council actions, Mason said he has serious concerns over the impact the changes might have. As the only elected official chosen by the entire city, Mason said he's in the best position to make sure that committee assignments are balanced.
Critics have said the current system allows the mayor to fill key council positions with his supporters, resulting at times in a muted response to citizen concerns.
Alders Melissa Kaprelian and Sandy Weidner were the main sponsors of the changes. In a statement, Kaprelian said the veto amounts to another power grab by the mayor.
A vote to possibly override the veto is expected at next Tuesday's council meeting. A two-thirds majority is required to override. The vote is expected to be close.