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Proposal to Rename KUSD's Central Office After a Former Superintendent to be Studied

May 26, 2023 2:30p

(WGTD)---Renaming Kenosha Unified’s central office after the late John Hosmanek is not a slam-dunk, even though Hosmanek’s name is revered among many retired KUSD employees and others.

The former Marine served nearly three decades as an administrator in the district, spending his last 10 years as superintendent, retiring in 1989.

Hosmanek died two years ago at the age of 94.

Several of his former colleagues suggested that the Educational Support Center be renamed in Hosmanek’s honor in conjunction with some scheduled exterior improvements to the building.

The school board voted this week to begin a prescribed process of evaluating the merits of the suggestion, and determining whether any other names should be considered.

But the mere idea of forming a committee was not without opposition. Eric Meadows was one of three board members who voted against opening the process. "I've heard from some people in the community when they heard there was this potential name-change for the building, reminding me about the large amount of contention that happened when the Bradford stadium was being (named). They advised me--and I think I agree--I don't want that kind of contention. So I don't think this is a necessary thing." 

The Bradford stadium naming controversy in 2016 began when the board voted to christen the facility after the Rev. Olen Arrington, Jr., a former school board member and a force in the community for equity.

The board reversed itself, opting instead to go with “Mary D. Bradford Stadium” after Arrington's family asked that his name be withdrawn from consideration. 

The committee that’s to be appointed in the matter of the E-S-C name is expected to meet several times this summer before delivering its recommendation to the school board. 
