Nov. 10, 2021 10:40p
(WGTD)---The executive director of a racial equity advocacy group that was founded in the wake of the Jacob Blake police shooting says she thinks her followers are prepared for acquittal verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
"We're definitely prepared for that seeing what's going on in this courtroom these past couple of weeks," said Tanya McLean of Leaders of Kenosha. "it's very disheartening," said McLean, accusing the judge of being biased against the prosecution. The episode is yet another example of racial injustice in Kenosha, she charged.
No matter what the verdict, McLean is urging the group's followers to remain peaceful. "People just need to find a different outlet to express their frustrations," she said.
For one thing, Leaders of Kenosha is planning to offer some type of post-verdict public forum to allow people to voice their opinions and have those opinions be validated, McLean said.
McLean, Justin Blake, the uncle of Jacob Blake and Bishop Tavis Grant from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition led a rally in Civic Center Park yesterday evening. Several dozen people marched around the park and then held a vigil in support of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, the two men who were shot and killed by Rittenhouse.
The jury is expected to get the case either Monday or Tuesday.