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Problems Alleged at Kemper Center

Complaints about the operation of Kenosha County's Kemper Center were aired at this week's County Board meeting by speakers who claim the facility is being allowed to deteriorate AND being mismanaged. The Kemper Center is a county park along Kenosha's lakefront, and a popular venue for weddings and parties run by the non-profit Kemper Center LTD.

Evan Burns told supervisors that mistreatment of female employees and discrimination against vendors are common practices---and---the county board should reconsider its relationship with the Kemper Center. He also said the building is "falling apart." Lois Bruno claimed she was fired from her job at the Kemper Center because she stood up for a female employee whom she said had been humiliated by the center's director. She also said she had to buy cleaning supplies in order to do her job. Annette Flynn said she discovered that a party, resulting in several large fights this past weekend, had been organized thru social media, resulting in hundreds of people showing up:

In a statement, Jennie Tunkieicz, County Executive Jim Kreuser's chief of staff, said he is aware of the operational issues raised by the speakers at the board meeting....having met with the involved parties and Kemper representatives in May to moderate a discussion between the two sides. The statement further says they do not believe allegations about the center's physical conditions are true, and efforts will continue at facilitating discussion, although it appears one side is not satisfied at this time. (Story courtesy of WRJN Radio)