Mt. Pleasant---A thump in the night is never a good thing, especially if you live along rapidly-eroding parts of the Lake Michigan shoreline.
At Monday night's village board meeting, Village President Jerry Garski reported that one resident figures he lost another three feet of Lake Michigan bluff as the ground gave way in the middle of the night. As a precaution, the man's garage already hashad to have been demolished. A corner of the still-existing slab is extending into thin air.
One house has already been removed, and a dozen others are in jeopardy.
The Army Corps. of Engineers has promised to come up with a plan to shore up the base of sections of the bluff.
Garski says some of the village's infrastructure in the Lake Park area is at risk. He's ordered heavy garbage trucks to refrain from driving over sections of village road that are in peril.
Higher lake levels have accelerated erosion along the bluffs.