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Carthage Grad Looks for Support in Developing the "CalmLet"

A recent Carthage College grad used her degree and own health history to come up with a winning entry in Foxconn’s “Smart Cities; Smart Futures” competition.

Erin Magennis spoke with Greg Berg on WGTD’s Morning Show last week.

Magennis, who graduated last year with a degree in neuroscience, has a nervous system disorder.

A device she created is designed to help people with her condition and others who are overburdened with stress and anxiety. She calls it the “CalmLet.” 

"There are different characteristics that you can use to track just how stressed out you are," Magennis said. They incude heart rate, heart rate variables and temperature. 

If the CalmLet detects a rise in those levels, then it alerts the user to consider immediately employing relaxation techniques to "calm some of those levels back down," Magennis said. 

The Calmlet works in conjunction with an app that guides users through a range of options. 

Magennis, who is a first round ‘Smart Cities; Smart Futures” winner, is preparing her entry for the next round of the competition, and a chance to win a $1,500 prize which if won would help to bring her idea to fruition. 
