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Agreement With Downtown Kenosha Developers Approved

May 16, 2023 noon 

(WGTD)---Attempts to slow down a proposed $450 million redevelopment plan for downtown Kenosha went nowhere at Monday night's city council meeting.

Alderman Dave Mau, who generally votes against taxpayer-assisted, private development projects, proposed a deferral.

The motion was defeated on a voice vote. Alderman Dave Bogdala spoke against the motion. "I don't see this as being rushed at all," Bogdala said. "I see this as something that has been discussed, reviewed, talked about, amended, changed and improved over the course of a better part of four years. What I've heard from constituents and citizens in general is 'Listen, we like it--just get it going.'"

Highlights of the plan include construction of a new city hall, hundreds of townhomes, condos and apartments; a hotel, new retail and office space and a park.

The plan was originally proposed several years ago but stalled out after the original developer was unable to secure financing.

Two new developers revived and modified the plan. That’s what was rolled out for approval last week.

Construction could begin later this year on a ten-story residential building and townhomes. But each building that’s contemplated will first need to go before the City Plan Commission for approval. That’s despite general support for the master plan.

Monday night's 15 to 1 council vote was to approve a development framework with the two companies involved.  
