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RSB Rewards Employees With Step Increases Despite Predictions of New Cuts

July 25, 2023 8:30a

(WGTD)---Racine School Board members were faced with a difficult decision Monday night:  Increase employee pay levels to compensate for years of service and risk the strong possibility of having to make future cuts, or keep the ‘steps’ or ‘rungs’ as is, making it more difficult to retain and recruit experienced teachers.

The board voted six to two to increase the steps. Board member Brian O’Connell voted yes reluctantly. "I will support that action for this year," he said. "But there will be cuts...maybe later this year...definitely next year. There is no alternative. Revenue is capped by the state and there simply is no more money."

O'Connell predicted that the school board will eventually forward to voters a referendum question to generate additional revenue. 

In order to pay for the step increases, the district plans to not fill 30 vacancies.

Monday night's board vote comes on top of a decision last month to grant 8% cost of living increases.
