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Racine Judge Sorts Out Details in GOP Lawsuit Against Racine

Sept. 26, 2024 2p

(WGTD)---A Racine County judge declined to issue a temporary injunction Thursday in a Republican Party lawsuit against the City of Racine. 

The Republican National Committee filed suit on behalf of two people who had been nominated by the local Republican Party to serve as poll workers but were not selected for the August primary.

In declining to issue a temporary order Thursday, Judge David Paulson said both Gary Hendrickson of Sturtevant and Angela Bartzen of Franksville had other means to ensure that neither would be passed over to work the Nov. 5th election. 

What happened in August wasn't necessarily germane to the request for a temporary injunction, and can be dealt with as the lawsuit proceeds, Paulson indicated. 

Hendrickson will be invited to serve as a poll worker Nov. 5th, and Bartzen will be able to serve if she attends an Oct. 26th training session, City Attorney Scott Letteney confirmed. Bartzen was unable to attend a training session held earlier this year because she was out of town, GOP attorney Andrew Goehre said. It was unclear why Hendrickson didn't work the August primary, Paulson noted. Hendrickson had the proper training and had staffed a prior election. 

State law dictates that election clerks hire poll workers who've been nominated by the two major political parties. If more are needed, then non-affiliated applicants can be hired if they meet certain qualifications. 

Paulson scheduled another hearing for Oct. 29th.
