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Kemper Center Battle Continues

Kenosha County Executive Jim Kreuser signals he’s got complete confidence in the non-profit that runs the county-owned Kemper Center.

The agency came under attack again at a county board meeting earlier this month—supporters beat back attempts to cut funding. The rub appears to be long-standing grudges over operational issues that are held by a few local catering companies, with the charge led by Annette Flynn of a Sophisticatering. She's been peppering county government with open records requests, the latest coming just last Friday.

In an interview with WGTD, Kreuser said whatever problems exist at the non-profit are being worked out. "There were some issues that were brought up that I think we can move forward on," he said. "But people want to continue to rehash dry cement." 

The attorney who represents the non-profit is a bit more blunt in response to a threat of legal action if the agency doesn't cough up documents that Flynn thinks should be made public. "Several local attorneys and law firms have volunteered to provide a free defense to Kemper Center, and it won't take long to determine how deep your client's pockets are," said John O'Connor in a letter to Flynn''s attorney.

O'Connor said that claims that the non-profit is subject to the state's open records law are frivolous.

The county acquired the former girls school property in the mid-1970's and contracted out its operation to the non-profit.
