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Hot Off the Press: No Cat Litter Boxes in RUSD

Sept. 25, 2024 7:15p

(WGTD)---A sign of the times at Monday night’s Racine School Board meeting. 

During citizen comments, a woman who has a grandchild at Gifford K-8 got up and earnestly asked a question that she said had been bothering her for some time: Did the school ever put out a litter box for a student who self-identified as a cat? 

The woman said she was unable to get a straight answer from staff, so that’s why she was posing the question to the school board and Superintendent Soren Gajewski. 

"I can confirm for you there are no cat boxes in any of our schools," Gajewski said with a straight face.

"You can 100%?" the grandmother asked? "Yes," was the response.

The woman sat down, apparently satisfied. 

Google, and you’ll find a 2022 Reuters story indicating that similar unsubstantiated stories have afflicted school districts around the country for over a decade.  

Reuters says that while some children—and adults for that matter--have been known to self-identify as an animal there’s no instance of such behavior being accommodated by a school, or having disrupted classroom learning. 
