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Harborside Students March for Success at Civic Center Park

Nov. 13, 2023 9:15p

(WGTD)---Hundreds of people gathered in Civic Center Park south of the Kenosha County Courthouse Monday, not for the purpose of protesting something, but to celebrate. 

It was Harborside Academy's annual "Walk to the Post Office." 

It's a symbolic outing that's meant to give seniors a chance to reflect on their progress, and contemplate their future, says Harborside Principal Trent Barnhart.

The seniors write a letter to a loved one, thanking them for support, and also complete college and scholarship applications. The letters are mailed with fanfare and a walk across the street to the post office. Many students display placards that identify what's next following graduation. 

Younger classmates and parents line the way and cheer them on. 

After dropping off their mailings, Barnhart said the students receive a letter from their teachers or loved ones letting them know how proud they are of them and offering other words of encouragement and motivation to help them continue on their journey forward. 

"It is a special day for our seniors and a tradition we have at Harborside," Barnhart said.
