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Disgruntled Racine City Council Members Vow a Boycott

Sept. 29, 2024 11:30p

(WGTD)---More than a third of the members of the Racine City Council say they will boycott meetings until changes are made on how the city council is allowed to operate.  

They're unhappy with rule changes made several years ago that allow the mayor to bottle things up before issues can get to the council floor. They cite a recent example of the stalled consideration of Mt. Pleasant water hookups. Those connections have since been approved. 

Six of the 14 council members signed a news release over the weekend announcing the boycott. They are Jeff Coe, Olivia Turquoise Davis, Melissa Kaprelian, Sandy Weidner, Henry Perez and Renee Kelly. 

They're backing an ordinance that would create several potential paths for items to be considered by the full council, with or without the support of the mayor. 

But the group is even having trouble getting the ordinance changes put up for a vote.  

The next meeting of the city council is Tuesday night. If all six carry through with their boycott threat, the necessary two-thirds quorum would not be obtained and no official business could be conducted.

The disgruntled council members say Mayor Cory Mason has hogtied the council and they view a boycott as a last resort. 

There's been no response so far from the mayor.
