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City Seeks to Control Placement of Signs

Apr. 20, 2024 12:20p

(WGTD)---Not everybody got the message that the City of Kenosha is more forcefully starting to enforce an ordinance that prohibits the placing of signs in public right-of-ways.

The city council in March passed a resolution designed to eliminate or at least reduce the types of signs that are mainly tacked up on poles and stuck in the ground in park ways that promote such things as rummage sales, junk removal businesses and home flippers.   

Saturday morning a community service officer was dispatched to remove a rummage sale sign taped to a construction company's barricade that was boldly placed in the middle of Sheridan Rd. at 49th St. 

The city's public works department says it'll send letters to violators of the ordinance and possibly seek to impose fines against repeat offenders. 
