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Pleasant Prairie Power Plant Soon to be History

Feb. 22, 2021 8:15a

(WGTD)---The land where the Pleasant Prairie Power Plant now sits should be ready for a new use by the end of the year. Demolition of the coal-fired plant began last summer as part of We Energies’ move away from fossil fuels.

The smoke stack on the 40-year-old plant is mostly down, and the rest of the facility is disappearing piece-by-piece, with as much as possible being recycled or put to new uses, according to We Energies spokesperson Alison Trouy. The process will include the removal of foundations down to six feet, she says. A layer of crushed stone will be laid down then capped by top soil. 

The land is expected to remain zoned for industry.

A marketing plus is that the land is served by two railroads, the Canadian Pacific on the west and the Union Pacific on the east.

The company plans to retain a small tract that has a substation on it.

We Energies also has for sale a companion piece of property north of the plant itself and Bain Station Road. That tract is being marketed for residential purposes. A large capped, ash pile on the far north end will be retained by We Energies and closely monitored.

Trouy said the company is working closely with the Village of Pleasant Prairie. 
