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Parking Ramp Plan Applauded by Downtown Kenosha Inc

Kenosha---Construction of a new parking ramp in the downtown area is a key component of revitalization efforts, according to the director of Downtown Kenosha, Incorporated.

Chris Naumann is reacting to Mayor Antaramian’s proposal to build an $8 million ramp on a vacant parcel that’s partially city-owned just east of the post office.

Naumann says the structure would relieve both short and long-term parking problems. "We do have a lot of empty lots that could be converted into surfacing parking to help us in the current situation," Naumann said. "But if we're going to look for growth particularly as we add density with new development a parking ramp is really the answer," he said.

The first step in the process will be taken at Thursday night's Plan Commission meeting. Commissioners will be asked to make several changes to the budgets of the city’s tax incremental financing districts. TIF funding would be one element of the proposed parking ramp financing package.

In an interview, the mayor offered no timetable for ramp construction, saying he simply wants to make sure the pieces are in place when development opportunities materialize. A parking structure was identified as almost a necessity in a recent downtown study.

Naumann says the mayor's proposal signals that the city is serious about improving the downtown area. "This type of commitment will take a lot of the fence-sitters in terms of investors and developers and give them some confidence that we're moving forward in redevelopment the downtown," he said. 
